Each We are Commoners venue hosts Days of Commoning: events to explore the exhibition themes, through activities, talks and film. Each event looks at commoning from a different perspective such as fashion or nature.
Click on the links below to watch panel discussions with artists and experts and find resources to help you investigate further.
Reclaiming local spaces at We are the Minories, Pop Up Gallery
Saturday 26th November
A marketplace of Colchester organisations
Blue Fashion Commons
Mapping Your Local Commons
Exhibition Talk and Tour
Craft in Common: Stitch Workshop with Alinah Azadeh online & in-person
Performance by Common Agency Projects
Artist Talk with Freddie Robins
Drop-in activities
Learn more about Colchester organisations and take part in free activities at the Marketplace.
Bring along blue items of clothing to exchange or repair at Blue Fashion Commons.
Explore spaces and resources that anyone can use at Mapping Local Commons.
Come along to find out more about We are Commoners with an exhibition tour at 10am with one of the curators of the exhibition.
Common Agency Project’s Performance of Commoning Action #15
Blackwater Polytechnic: Creative Commoning
A series of interviews with Blackwater Polytechnic members discussing their collective and its creative commoning to build community connections and claim spaces to help the community thrive.
A film by Deborah Suzanne including interviews with Ben Coode-Adams and Freddie Robins, Sara Impey and Simon Emery.
For subtitles click through to watch you YouTube video and select closed captions.
Healing and Repair at Hull Central Library
Saturday 10th – Sunday 11th September
Exhibition Curator’s Tour: Repair
Makerspace Workshop with Natural Fusion
Illustrated Talk by Metalworker Jacky Oliver
Panel Discussion
Repair Workshop with artist Alinah Azadeh online & in-person
Makerspace Workshop with Natural Fusion
Exhibition Curator’s Tour: Community Action
Drop-in activities
Bring along blue items of clothing to exchange or repair at Blue Fashion Commons.
Explore spaces and resources that anyone can use at Mapping Local Commons.
Celebrate local spaces important to you at Celebrating Common Ground.
Local Networking Meet others and discuss ‘What next?’ for Commoning in Hull.
Film Screening
Community and Co-operation at the Hub, Sleaford
Saturday 11th – Sunday 12th June
Panel Discussion
Including exhibitors Fourthland, Lise Bjørne Linnert and Ali Alzein, Founder of Bees and Refugees.
Film Screening
Films from We are Commoners exhibiting artists’ exploring community and / or collaborative acts of commoning.
Download the Day of Commoning Film Screening Guide.
Nature and commons at The Civic, Barnsley
Saturday 23rd – Sunday 24th April
Resources from this event
Make jewellery from foraged materials with artist Rachael Colley.
Day of Commoning – Films
Day of Commoning Film Screening Guide. Watch the playlist below.
Artist & Panel Discussion – Connecting with Nature
Artist Panel Discussion facilitated by Emma Daker
Rachael Colley and Shane Waltener explore the topic of connecting with nature, how their work is influenced and inspired by the connection to nature
Fashion commons at MAKE Southwest
Saturday 13th November.
Looking at commoning on the theme of fashion with Amy Twigger Holroyd.
Celebrate the Blue Fashion Commons with Amy Twigger Holroyd.
Resources from the event
Commoning Marketplace: MEND Assembly, Fibreshed, Precious Plastic, Green Maker Initiative, S4S Project.
Watch the panel discussion below.
Care and repair at Midlands Arts Centre
Sunday 17th October 2021.
Looking at commoning on the theme of care and repair with Rachel Colley, Deirdre Nelson and Alinah Azedeh.
Learn how to make jewellery from waste food with Rachael Colley.
Take part in Alinah Azedah’s online Repair workshop.
Map your local commons with Deirdre Nelson.
Resources from the event
Watch the panel discussion below. (Unfortunately the sounds quality is poor.)