Dreamstones for the Planet
MA Textiles
Royal College of Art
Roberta is an interdisciplinary environmental researcher, artist and activist.
Roberta’s textiles practice is dedicated to the healing and repair of our relationship to the earth. Creating mixed media textiles installations that include sculpture, print and hung pieces, her work incorporates a variety of textiles processes and techniques. She uses specially developed natural dyes, including printing pastes, combining these with organic fibres, family heirlooms, discarded fabrics and waste materials. Imagining a better future where our ecosystems are no longer depleting, her work seeks to educate people on the climate crisis through a visual narrative, encouraging the restoration of balance between humans and nature.
Clockwise from top left: Detail of Dreamstones for the Planet; der Kranich, der Glücksvogel (rotated); Tarots for the Earth; Knitted Manifesto
In:Site 2024
Roberta was one of 14 artists selected to produce a participatory, drop-in workshop for a public audience at In:Site 2024. Exploring the theme of care, their workshop developed and incorporated the ideas, techniques, approaches and materials used in their own practice.

Photograph by Hayley Salter
Roberta’s project, Eintausend Kraniche (one thousand cranes), was inspired by the phrase ‘whoever folds one thousand paper cranes will be granted a wish’, originating from a Japanese legend. Roberta used her collaborative textiles project to print and stitch one thousand cranes to make a wish for the planet.

Photographs by Hayley Salter