In:Site 2016
BA 3D Design and Craft
University of Brighton
Richard bought his portable aluminum smelter to In:Site in 2016 for a dramatic casting workshop.
Watch Richard’s video to find more about their In:Site commission and read an extract from the blog below.
Richard brought along his handmade portable smelting workshop to In:Site!
Together with assistant David, Richard used his machine to make aluminium casts from clay moulds. The public was invited to join in and create their own moulds inspired by their surroundings which would then be cast and displayed in the Square.
Find out more
Since In:Site 2016
Richard’s Instagram shows that he’s transferred his creative skills to the prosthetics industry.
Celebrating 10 years of In:Site
To celebrate 10 years of In:Site we selected 10 makers from the archive to feature on our new online space for the project. You can still view all of the makers from 2012-2021 in the blog archive.