Craftspace offers a consultancy service based on the skills, knowledge and expertise of its staff. These range from exhibition development, touring, commissioning, and training to developing arts, crafts or participatory education provision and audiences. Diversity and inclusive practice are areas of particular expertise.
We aim to work on consultancy projects that reflect our core values and aspirations. These can have the potential to develop as longer term partnerships which are incorporated into our artistic programme. We are particularly interested in working in partnership with organisations focussing on health and wellbeing.
See more examples of our consultancy work.
Contact us for more information about how you can work with us.
Craftspace staff can offer tailored mentoring. In the past members of the team have mentored museum staff and artists involved in schemes such as Kalaboration, the Creative Enterprise Programme for Coventry University and most recently RE:Present, transforming the diversity of cultural leadership. Contact us for more information.