Email Mailing List
If you would like to join our email mailing list to receive news about Craftspace’s work including:
- exhibition openings
- tour dates
- events
- workshops
- fundraising
please complete the form below with your email address and name and select which lists you would like to join.
We have special mailing lists for venues, volunteers and artists. Venues receive information about exhibitions and resources for hire and opportunities for partnerships with Craftspace. Artists receive opportunities to get involved with Craftspace projects and updates on relevant events and training organised by us. Volunteers will receive opportunities to work with Craftspace.
We send out our main email newsletter about every 6 weeks and our other emails are sent out less often, as opportunities arise.
Please tick the boxes below to let us know which emails you would like to receive.
If you have any problems please email [email protected].
We use Dotdigital as our email marketing platform. View Dotdigital’s Terms.
Unsubscribing and Privacy
We will treat your information with respect.
You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at [email protected]. We will treat your information with respect.
You can read our Privacy Notice on our website. By subscribing, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.