Making For Change

2014 – ongoing
Birmingham & Online

Young people creating change in themselves and their communities though craft.

Making for Change is Craftspace’s project for young people that investigates positive social change through combining craft with activism (craftivism). Young people come together to learn, explore, discuss and make; creating campaigns around issues that are important to them in order to generate a change in themselves and their community.

We believe that making with your hands is powerful. Making for Change creates safe spaces where you can come together, learn new things and develop ideas. Through the process of making, those ideas become a reality.

Get in touch, join our mailing list or follow us on social media for more news.


Calling creative change makers.

Apply: Deaf and hard of hearing Creative Producer

We are recruiting for someone to develop and run a creative project with Deaf and hard of hearing young people, introducing them to craftivist (craft + activist) approaches to the Climate Emergency.

A screengrab of the Making For Change home page.

Visit the Making for Change Expo

An online exhibition exploring the campaigns.

Where Next?

Making For Change: Arts Award

Complete your Arts Award with Making For Change

a felt portrait


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