Craftspace Curates

Craftspace Curates: Exploring craft in an expanded field

A exhibit in a gallery which looks like a makeshift market stall.

Ongoing project
2015 onwards
mac Birmingham

The Craftspace Curates season, in partnership with mac Birmingham, continued throughout 2016, our 30th year, and encouraged audiences to consider the role of craft and the maker in society through a series of commissions and events which include live performance, film, digital media and public art.

The season investigates ways in which contemporary craft practice can inhabit the whole environment of an arts centre (and in the case of mac the park environment). We aim to challenge where people expect to see craft, not just in the gallery or shop but across the whole of the arts centre and its facilities.


The season began in 2015 with the exhibition Will Shannon:The Closet Craftsman and had included a new play, Yarning by Birmingham artist Trevor Pitt, which tells remarkable stories from women about their lifelong relationship with wool – knitting, spinning, felting and weaving. The next events were performances by artist Carrie Fertig alongside musicians for the Torcher Chamber Arkestra.


Craftspace began life at mac in 1986 and this season of events leads up to our 30th Anniversary year in 2016.

Working with…

mac birmingham

With over 920,000 visits every year mac birmingham has served as one of the country’s foremost arts centres for over 50 years. With artists and audiences at its heart we provide opportunities for people from all backgrounds to see, hear and, most importantly, make art. mac is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, also funded by Birmingham City Council and partners.

Where Next

Inside a gallery a woman is performing with tools and glass, there is a large flame, other galss vesssels are filled with water.

Carrie Fertig: Torcher Chamber Arkestra

Book tickets for this performance and talk.

An eccentric looking woman lies back on a bench covered with a blanket. She looks shocked.


Five women spin tales of life, survival and knitting.

Will Shannon: The Closet Craftsman

Part of the Craftsapce Curates season at mac birmingham.


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