Craft Fellows: Introducing regional and national organisations

Emma Daker – Exhibitions and Project Development Manager

A partnership between MAC Birmingham and Craftspace

Introducing regional and national organisations_picture

Craft Fellows visiting Modern Clay

Session notes

In this second session the Craft Fellows were introduced to a range of regional and national organisations;

Craftspace – We are a charity creating opportunities to see, make and be curious about exceptional contemporary craft.

Design Nation – Aim to bring together partners, champions and investment, to strengthen business and creative development in the contemporary design and crafts sector.

UK Young Artists – A charity that champions the next generation of creativity, supporting collaboration and intercultural dialogue, ensuring a vibrant and diverse creative future for the UK.

New Art West Midlands – The contemporary visual arts network for the region. Creating defining opportunities for West Midlands’ artists and curators.

Unit Twelve – A contemporary craft workshop and exhibition space in a stunning rural location in Staffordshire. It hosts a regularly changing programme of exhibitions, with complementary art workshops run by Jennifer Collier, Iain Perry and exhibiting artists.

STEAMhouse – A centre for creative innovation. They help entrepreneurs, sole traders, companies and citizens to build their businesses, develop new products and services and collaborate.

Modern Clay – A studio project set up in 2017 and since 2019 run by cooperative membership. It provides a studio research facility for the production of ceramics and also has a responsibility to be of benefit to the community and does this through its core values of artists, education and public.

Centrala – The only publicly-funded gallery of their kind and the only advocate for Central and European art and artists outside London. Centrala are powerful advocates for social integration, bringing together diverse audiences under one roof to share, explore, debate and connect with high quality art and events.

FizzpPOP – A member-run, member-funded and member-led workshop & studio. fizzPOP is where the Birmingham maker community shares knowledge, tools and creativity.

Alongside opening our eyes to the wider creative communities, a large set of tailored talks, symposiums and discussions with industry leading experts in the creative field help to manage our own business goals and build a broad rapport once setting up our personal practice. Exciting right!?

To further the invaluable experience and information from experts, we are to receive a plethora of industry experience and help from facilitators and local artists connected with the MAC and local organisations; this is again through introductions and later as individual mentoring.

Did I mention we each are also commissioned to exhibit a piece of work at the MAC to commemorate our professional development progress and to showcase 5 fantastic emerging designers into the market.

Stuart Crabbe

Where Next

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Craft Fellows: Building relationships with private / commercial galleries

How to build good relationships with private galleries

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Craft Fellows: Masterclass with Rita Patel

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Craft Fellows: Building relationships with public galleries

Learn how to build relationships with public galleries.

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Craft Fellows: An introduction to Intellectual Property & Copyright

An introduction to the basics of intellectual property.


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