Craft Fellows: Make Your Creativity pay – Undertaking a creative career

Pete Mosley – The Art of the Work

A partnership between MAC Birmingham and Craftspace

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Cards for coaching, networking & ideas generation, Peter Mosley

Session notes

Top Tips from Pete Mosley – The Art of the Work

This guest post was written by Pete Mosley, a mentor for developing careers, businesses and organisations. For more information visit Pete Mosley’s website:

Have a brilliant ‘about me’ page
Understand the geography of your business
Test everything
Build relationships
Help people understand your values

The fellowship so far has been a very insightful experience. Each session tests the way you think and opens up your mind to the many possibilities ahead. The session from Pete Mosley really stood out to me. The session explored aspirations, making a successful creative business, planning tips and marketing.

I am very much an introvert which is something that me and Pete had in common. Being an introvert can sometimes get in the way and makes you think that you don’t have the confidence to get far. However Pete put my mind at ease and talked a lot about how you don’t need thousands of followers and you don’t necessarily need to shout from the rooftops to get your work out there. Simple strategy and careful planning can get you equally the same result.

Pete really made us look into ourselves and explore what we really wanted. One thing that really intrigued me was when he asked us who our role models were? And what companies/brands do we admire? And with that question we were all able to figure out a lot about ourselves. Surprisingly we all shared the same core values with the brands/role models that we chose. A lot of who we admire has a lot to do with ourselves rather than the actual person/brand.

A lot of the time we think of the achievable as unachievable because we have so many obstacles that we would have to face to get there. Pete was very optimistic and got us to write down what we want to achieve and what stops us from doing it. When you write it down and really think about it, those obstacles don’t seem so big, especially when you tackle them one by one.

I came away from the session feeling very confident, like I could achieve almost everything even though I am an introvert. I bought one of Pete’s books, ‘The Art of Shouting Quietly – A guide to self-promotion for introverts and other quiet souls’. I wanted to remember this session and all Pete had taught us and the book is definitely a good read. A big thanks to Pete and the fellowship leaders for this insightful session.

Amarah Simms

Where Next

Craft Fellows: Introducing regional and national organisations

Learn how regional and national organisations can help you.

Craft Fellows: Building relationships with public galleries

Learn how to build relationships with public galleries.

Craft Fellows: Textiles Masterclass

Textiles masterclass with Richard McVetis and Vanessa Rolf

A group portrait of the 5 Craft Fellows.

Craft Fellowships at MAC Birmingham

Lots of advice for new designer-makers.

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